Saturday, June 6, 2009

Moving On But Not Leaving Behind.

So, as I mentioned in my last blog I'll be graduating this Friday from high school. Many of my friends are also moving on with their lives and embracing life outside of high school-- Learning to live without the instruction of teachers, learning to open up to the world and meet new people, and experiencing with things we have yet to experience. There's one person in particular, however, that will not yet be moving on and graduating, becuase of the simple fact she is not yet a senior.
Heather Elizabeth Lord,
I know you believe that our relationship will be "bullsh*t" after I graduate and that my schedule will not match up with yours, and that we will slowly fade away like many other friendships do, but this I swear to you will not happen. You are too precious to me for that to happen. We've had too many great memories for me to let this friendship go without seeing how many more memories we can possibly make. Take that as a challenge to make as many memories as we possibly could in our lifetime. You have been there as a constant reminder that angels do come in form as best friends, and although I try my hardest not to make promises, I promise you from the bottom of my heart I will not be leaving you behind. This will just be a start to a whole new chapter-- one I can't wait to read. I might not be in the same school building as you next year, but I'm not going far (just to the other side of town and a ten minute drive, I'm pretty sure we can handle that--don't you?). Anyways, I spent hours and hours yesterday making something for you to watch whenever you want to, or need a reminder that throughout the years we have remained just as strong as we have two years ago, and will continue to watch our friendship grow stronger.
I love you.

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