Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Job Updates.

Alrighty, it's been a few days since I updated this. All the jobs that I wasn't %100 sure about I got, except Levi's. My summer schedule isn't looking all that exciting, but hey the money does. Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays I will be working at a daycare for $35 a day. Saturdays I work at Ames Farm Inn with the bestie, and a few times a week I work at the gym down the street helping a friend clean. I usually go in a at 9 at night and head home anytime between 12 and 1 in the morning. I can't wait until my first paycheck. Heather did the math and I'll be making close to $1000 a month. That's not bad I suppose. I should have my laptop by the end of the summer at this rate.

I'm turning into a night owl. I usually get this burst of energy around 8:00 and I'm usually out until 10:30 at night. Summer nights are turning into my favorite part of summer. It just seems more peaceful at night ♥.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Everything And Nothing Changes.

So, I'm officially a high school graduate. That being said, I'm writing this in school. Yes, you heard me right. I did, in fact, get up at 6:00 this morning to go into school and chill out. Why? Becuase nothing feels all that different, and I don't want to let go of this part of my life yet, and I don't think I'll ever let it go completely. Yepp, it's time to put my big girl panties on and embrace life. I will, just let me get used to the pull-ups first.

Okay, now for the job updates. I had an interview yesterday at Levi's, and I'm not exactly sure how the results were. I'm not exactly discouraged, but I'm not entirely sure I got the job either. HOWEVER! My best friend is pretty sure she got the job, and for that I'm happy. Also, my friend from work works at a daycare and is friends with the daycare director. I guess she wants me to call her. Additionally, I pretty much have a job at the place where I work now--not in the daycare part where I volunteer now but cleaning the place. I just have to see how everything else works out before I give my available hours to Mike.

Everything else I have to update on is not all that exciting, so I think I'll leave everything as is.

Hope you all have a good week :)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Moving On But Not Leaving Behind.

So, as I mentioned in my last blog I'll be graduating this Friday from high school. Many of my friends are also moving on with their lives and embracing life outside of high school-- Learning to live without the instruction of teachers, learning to open up to the world and meet new people, and experiencing with things we have yet to experience. There's one person in particular, however, that will not yet be moving on and graduating, becuase of the simple fact she is not yet a senior.
Heather Elizabeth Lord,
I know you believe that our relationship will be "bullsh*t" after I graduate and that my schedule will not match up with yours, and that we will slowly fade away like many other friendships do, but this I swear to you will not happen. You are too precious to me for that to happen. We've had too many great memories for me to let this friendship go without seeing how many more memories we can possibly make. Take that as a challenge to make as many memories as we possibly could in our lifetime. You have been there as a constant reminder that angels do come in form as best friends, and although I try my hardest not to make promises, I promise you from the bottom of my heart I will not be leaving you behind. This will just be a start to a whole new chapter-- one I can't wait to read. I might not be in the same school building as you next year, but I'm not going far (just to the other side of town and a ten minute drive, I'm pretty sure we can handle that--don't you?). Anyways, I spent hours and hours yesterday making something for you to watch whenever you want to, or need a reminder that throughout the years we have remained just as strong as we have two years ago, and will continue to watch our friendship grow stronger.
I love you.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Getting Oh So Close.

First of all, I'll start off by welcoming you to the sequal to my behind the scenes blog. I accidentally deleted my other one sometime last month and am now just getting around to making a new one. Now on to the reason why I made the blog in the first place- to keep you updated.

At the moment I am sitting in my first period Digital Art and Design class for the last time, next to my best friend, Andy. This year flew by, and for that I am actually kind of depressed. Not because I am moving on with my life, that part is actually exciting, but simply because the good-byes are 10x harder than I first thought they were going to be. Maybe I'll just end the year by skipping good-byes all together and going straight to the see you later's. Sound like a good plan? Sure it does!

Next week is going to be hectic. I have graduation practice Tuesday and Wednesday, class trip to Boston on thursday, graduation on friday, and my graduation party on Saturday.'

The only current stress i have at the moment is my Accuplacer test that I need to take sometime this week, which decides if I really am dumb or if I have the intelligence enough to get pass the basic math section and onto the algebra part.

Onto further, non-school related updates. Most of you who read this would be well aware of the fact that I have been procrastinating big time with my driver's license. Infact, when I went to set up a driver's test appointment last week they said that the last time I took my test (and failed) was November 2007. Well, I finally got up the nerve and went to take it yesterday and not only passed it but completely surprised myself with getting a %100 on the written test. I will be taking the second half of the test (the actual driving part) the 22nd of June. I have been also stressed out over the fact that I have no money and have yet to get a call back from one of the many jobs I have applied to and checked back with numerous amount of times. God must definately be laughing at me for losing faith, becuase he not only supplied a job for me working at at Ames farm and Inn one day a week with my best friend, I also keep getting tons of job offers. I just have to wait patiently for my car to get inspected, insurance ( which would be the toughest part) and my driver's test to be able to follow through with those jobs. Not to get all "christian-like" on you, but God is good. Hmm..I really think that I've mentioned everthing, but if i havent I'm sure I will update you on that as well.

Stay tuned!