Monday, June 15, 2009

Everything And Nothing Changes.

So, I'm officially a high school graduate. That being said, I'm writing this in school. Yes, you heard me right. I did, in fact, get up at 6:00 this morning to go into school and chill out. Why? Becuase nothing feels all that different, and I don't want to let go of this part of my life yet, and I don't think I'll ever let it go completely. Yepp, it's time to put my big girl panties on and embrace life. I will, just let me get used to the pull-ups first.

Okay, now for the job updates. I had an interview yesterday at Levi's, and I'm not exactly sure how the results were. I'm not exactly discouraged, but I'm not entirely sure I got the job either. HOWEVER! My best friend is pretty sure she got the job, and for that I'm happy. Also, my friend from work works at a daycare and is friends with the daycare director. I guess she wants me to call her. Additionally, I pretty much have a job at the place where I work now--not in the daycare part where I volunteer now but cleaning the place. I just have to see how everything else works out before I give my available hours to Mike.

Everything else I have to update on is not all that exciting, so I think I'll leave everything as is.

Hope you all have a good week :)

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